We have all read about inappropriate content being posted on Facebook and resulting consequences. I have been reading more and more about prospective employers and colleges using Facebook as part of a background check. But now we've got law enforcement using multimedia posted on Facebook to issue arrests!
No, by no means am I condoning the alleged actions of the driver. But I have to wonder how our legal system will be dealing with similar issues in the future (or rather, now) as the (at times, not so) well-meaning vigilantes of the world record our every movement and action and post it for the world to see (with and/or without our knowledge).
Were I teaching Middle or High School, I would definitely use this incident to reinforce the fact that in this digital world, once something is posted on the internet it is posted forever -- and for every action there are consequences.
I believe that as educators, we need to provide every student with the knowledge and means to be a responsible digital citizen. Not doing so would be doing them a great disservice. These lessons need to begin at the elementary level and continue as the student goes through middle and high school.
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