December 23, 2011

My Ideal Tech Job

Image Source: AveLardo

Funny how you have something mulling over in your mind and then, a few days later, you discover that someone has blogged about it.

I've been thinking about what I would like as my next 'career'. Yes, it's one of those 'what do I want to be when I grow up' moments in my life right now. Might have something to do with the fact that I feel like I'm constantly trudging through muck and mire to get anything accomplished in my current professional life.

And I've decided that I would like to be a 'digital miner'. That's, no, no...not the one with the hard hat and headlight! LOL But rather someone who is able to cull through all the digitial information out there and extract EXACTLY what the client wants.

The ComputerMajors blog did a post about the 10 hottest computer jobs and surprisingly mine wasn't on the list! Wonder why?

What are your thoughts on what a computer job in the near future might be? What would be your ideal job (unless you already have it!), what would it be called, and what would it entail?