January 01, 2012

The Holiday Season May Be Over, But the Giving Continues...

Image Source: Flickr.com astrogrl

Innovative Educator Consulting: Christmas Blend- What Makes You Perk?

OK, so under 'normal' circumstances I would embed a link within my post, but this post is too tempting to wait for a mid-post link AND I wanted the link 'front and center'.

I've been catching up on my blog reading (I know, I know waiting until the day before I go back to school probably wasn't one of my wisest time-management strategies, but it was a strategy) and I ran across Naomi Harm's post in my feed.

Head on over, read her post, and leave her a comment, because on January 15th she's going to draw one lucky winner to get (drumroll please....) NOT only Adobe Elements, BUT ALSO (another drumroll would be apropos right about now) Adobe Premiere, AND ALSO (phew! at this rate I need the entire band! Drumroll please.......thank you!) Adobe Acrobat X. How awesome is that!

Uh....why are you still reading this post? I told you to head on over to Naomi's post. You can thank me after you win!

And when you're done there, head on over to the Adobe Education Exchange (sign up is *FREE*) to get some great ideas and tutorials for Adobe products.